Monday, November 26, 2007

It's My Turn

This is kind of a crazy picture I would never normally put on my blog but the main reason it's up because I was tagged a little while ago and wanted to spill some of my personal beans. Thanks for the opportunity April!
So here goes:
1~first of all the picture might say it all. I'm such a goofball. I love to have a fun time and love to laugh. Sometimes it's so funny to look at my blog...I think who is this serious person writing these things and what did she do with Laurie? To see me in action, the 2 people in this world that bring out this personality trait in me the most would be my brother Tim and my sister Lisa. We can find humor in the smallest things and enjoy almost anything. For a good time come and watch Napolean Dynamite w/ me even if you hated it.
2~I love playing sports. I had three athletic brothers in my family, so I grew up playing soccer and also played in high school.
I also played basketball in high school and church ball too, which in all actuality was just as physical as the high school games. I always wanted to play volleyball but it was the same season as soccer :(. I am a wannabe tennis player. I remember every spring in high school playing tennis with friends and we would have our own little wimbledon.
3~I also love to sing. If any of you have seen the movie the Wedding Singer I guess that is secretly what I want to be. I love singing and I can remember when I was little listening to my walkman in bed (ok that dates me) before falling asleep dreaming that I was first singing to my husband at my own reception, and that everyone would want me to sing at their weddings too. Hmm funny now that I type it out.
4~I LOVE food. I kind of have this weird obession about looking at recipe books. They definitely have to have pictures though. I subscribe to a quick cooking magazine and can't wait till it comes in the mail so I can look through all the recipes, and you would think make them....but usually not. Ask me why...maybe because I don't have all the ingredients. If I could be anyone or have anyone's talents it would be Rachel Ray. She is so down to earth and could be your neighbor next door kind of girl...but boy can she whip up a quick meal and make it look so easy.
5~I guess I'm kind of doing the true confessions thing so here is another one similar to the one above. I kind of am a magazine freak. Not at all the Inquierer types of magazines(OK maybe People)...but definitely a little bit of everything else. Womans Day, In Style, Fitness, recipe magazines. I can hardly go thru the checkouts at the grocery store without picking one up and flipping through it. I did find a frugal way to look and not have to buy with my obession...I just go to the library and get my fix every once in a while. Darryl really prefers that choice.
6~I love Holiday cartoons. Yes, it wasn't Cora plopped in front of the TV watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving a couple nights ago....that was me. Maybe it reminds me of my childhood and how for pretty much every holiday my Dad made sure we all got our fill of the Peanuts cartoons and other holiday cartoons of the sort. Maybe that's who I get it from. Anyway...I love them all...the Valentines, Easter, The Great Pumpkin, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
7~Last but not least...what else can I say about myself? Ok I pretty much love reality shows with Amazing Race and Survivor being the top 2, actually the only 2 I watch. I would love to try out for either if our situation in life right now would permit (which it doesn't). So maybe in the future when Darryl gets home and we are near family..keep watching you might just see me on Prime Time (making a fool of myself but having lots of fun).
PS~I also love Peter Cetera even if you can only hear him on elevators and easy listening stations now a days. Darryl and I went to his concert w/ the Seattle symphony Orchestra before he left and we were in the 2nd row. Loved it and sang along with almost all the songs. Darryl sang this one to me (pretty discretely though). ; )

I tag anyone on my list of blogs that hasn't done this yet.


Unknown said...

No way-- I also love reality tv and holiday cartoons! Great minds think alike!

April said...

So fun to see your comments about yourself. That picture is perfect, it's the Laurie I know:)

Cathy said...

Laurie, you are so dang cute. I loved reading all these things about you. I am magazine crazy myself! Also, my Dad always made sure we'd watched all the appropriate holiday cartoons every year, too. I still love them.