Ok everyone...Christmas is over and the next holiday on the loom is New Years. Often that brings to mind resolutions...and for me the ones that usually end up getting broken or forgotten. So this year I wanted to try something new. I want to see what kind of "different" new years resolutions we can all come up with that won't include losing those 10lbs gained over the weeks of festive Christmas goodies that were constantly beckoning us to eat them. Or going to the gym or saving money, you get the drift. For fun lets just set the bar a little lower and enjoy our new year resolves.
*So mine really should be the 10 lbs thing...but here goes
---As the night owl that I am, I vow to sleep like I've never slept
So friends, family, talk to me...make me smile, I need some new year cheer.
Be creative and remember nothing like the usual.